Make a Donation
The Flanzer matching program accepts monthly donations from an individual, their donor advised fund, or personal foundation ranging from $5 to $500 per household with a maximum of $3,000 per year, per each charity. Donations can be made to multiple charities. Corporate, multi member LLCs, LLPs and similar entities are not eligible.

General Donation Information
- The Flanzer matching program accepts monthly donations ranging from $5 to $500 per household with a maximum of $3,000 per year per each charity. Donations can be made to multiple charities simultaneously.
- Only contributions directly received from an individual
donor to the Flanzer Trust are eligible for matching.
Corporate, multi member LLCs, LLPs and similar entity
donations are not eligible. - Excess contributions: Any contributions in excess of the stated limits will be matched to the maximum permitted and the remainder will be passed through to the charity.
- The intent of the Flanzer matching program is to encourage new grass roots donations, not simply matching current donors.
- Cash contributions received by a partner are ineligible for matching. Partners who convert cash contributions into eligible contributions through other parties will be removed from the list of eligible partners.
To See Our Full Eligibility Requirements, please visit
The following are not eligible to receive funds through the Flanzer Matching Donation Program and shall not be submitted to the Flanzer Trust.
- Golf Outings.
- Galas, dinners and similar events.
- Raffles, lotteries, auctions and similar events.
- Donations given in exchange for services or merchandise in whole or in part.
- All paddle raises if goods or services are given in exchange for the donation. Paddle raises which involve no goods or services given in exchange for the donation may be eligible for a match in the discretion of Trustees but only if the paddle raise has been pre-approved by Trustees. Paddle raises that are not pre-approved shall not be eligible for matching. The Trust reserves the right to make exceptions, without creating any rights for any other agency.
- Cash Receipts or donations made to the Agency.
- Money Orders, cashier’s checks, bank checks and similar instruments.
- Anonymous donations through donor advised funds or otherwise will not be accepted in the matching program. They will be returned to the donor advised fund or the donor. If the donor cannot be identified, the contribution will be forwarded without match to the specified agency, after withholding the costs of processing.
- Capital campaign contributions.
Upon Receipt of Donations
- Upon receipt of matched donations, the Agency will promptly notify the donor in writing that their donation was received by the Agency.
- The trust will provide a tax receipt to online donors automatically upon receipt of their contribution. Tax receipts for check donations will be provided in approximately 4-8 weeks. If a tax receipt is issued for a donation that is ultimately refused or refunded, it is the responsibility of the donor to disregard the tax receipt. Donor must provide accurate information for tax receipts to be valid under IRS Rules and Regulations. Online tax receipts will be issued to the name that donor inputs before providing payment information. Donor name should match the name on the credit card being used to make the donation.